Export your wireframes to Visio and SVG using Wirify Pro

Wirify Pro now exports wireframes into Microsoft Visio and applications that support the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format, meaning that the exported documents are now useful to a much wider audience. Both new formats can be exported with or without headings just like the OmniGraffle and Balsamiq documents.

Visio documents are exported as XML (using Visio 2003 DatadiagramML schema) with the vdx file extension. These files have been successfully opened in Visio 2007 and OmniGraffle Pro, and they should also open in Visio 2003 and 2010.

Scalable Vector Graphics documents are exported as XML (using SVG 1.1 schema) with the svg file extension. These files have been successfully opened in Adobe Illustrator (fully editable), Inkscape, and most modern browsers (view only). SVG is highly versatile and allows storing, viewing and editing Wirify wireframes on a number of different platforms.

Download samples

Download sample wireframes created using Wirify Pro 1.7.1:

To download the SVG version right-click on the link and select Save As in the context menu.

Microsoft Visio with wireframe exported using Wirify Pro

Microsoft Visio with wireframe exported using Wirify Pro

Internet Explorer 9 with wireframe exported as SVG using Wirify Pro

Internet Explorer 9 with wireframe exported as SVG using Wirify Pro

Help us make it better

The Visio and SVG formats are currently in beta and we would very much appreciate your feedback.

Update 5 May: The beta offer is now closed, thanks to everyone who sent through their comments!

Limitations and known issues

As with the previous export formats exporting Visio and SVG documents also has some limitations and known issues. Please check these first before reporting an issue.

Opera users: The latest Opera version 11.10 fixes an event triggering issue and a previous workaround in Wirify Pro has now been removed. Please update to the latest version of Opera before using Wirify Pro, or consider another browser.

We hope you like this new release, please keep us posted with your feedback.

In closing

We can’t help but share the following tweet by Erik Spiekermann that totally made our day on Friday – thanks Erik!

Erik Spiekermann mentions Wirify on Twitter

Make sure you watch Erik Spiekermann – Putting Back the Face into Typeface by Gestalten if you haven’t already.

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