New redact and greeking features now available in Wirify

We recently came across the excellent Exittext bookmarklet from Bryce Hanscomb. It allows you to ‘remove text anywhere and replace it with scribbles’ to help answer this central question:

How does an existing website look without text?

What a brilliant idea!

We got in touch with Bryce who kindly granted us permission to include Exittext in Wirify. It’s now available in the Wirify menu under:

Greek and redact > Redact using script font

Wirify - Greek and redact menu

Here’s what the output looks like:

Redacted wireframe using Wirify and Exittext

Exittext also makes use of Christian Naths‘ great Redacted font, which is released under the SIL Open Font License.

There’s also a thread on UX Stack Exchange that mentions both Wirify and Exittext.

But what about Lorem Ipsum?

We are glad you asked! Choon Keat‘s Loremipsumizer bookmarklet allows you to do just this. This greeking feature is available in the Wirify menu under:

Greek and redact > Greek with lorem ipsum

Here’s what the output looks like:

Greeked wireframe using Wirify and Loremipsumizer

Try these features right now by launching your existing Wirify bookmarklet, or by installing it from the Wirify homepage. 

Big thanks to both Bryce and Choon for allowing us to enhance Wirify by including these features!


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